Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today is a Big Day for Me

Today is my 35th birthday. I enjoy celebrating my birthday with my family and typically the number doesn't matter very much. For some reason, that is not the case this year. This birthday has had an emotional affect for weeks before the big day. A couple weeks ago I was overly sensitive about my daughter turning 8 at the end of June. My children's birthdays are always bittersweet for me, but this was over the top. My health has not been great (more on that later) and I'm trying really hard to do whatever it takes to get healthy again and live life to the fullest.

As I look back over my last 35 years on this Earth, I think about what I've done in those years and what I want to do. The last few weeks approaching this day have been a time of reflection. It has been good for me. While I won't go into great detail in this post about my reflections, I will mention a very important one and the main reason for my blog.

In a lot of my 35 years, I've been the caretaker in some form. Most of the time I'm the keeper of everyone's emotional and physical needs. There is one own. In my constant concern for everyone else's needs, I've neglected my own to a degree. That will change this year. I am hereby declaring this year the Year of Dawn. I have created a list of things that I want to accomplish in the next year. This is not a "bucket list" of to-do items before I die, though. Some items on my list will seem mundane to people, but they are things that I *think* will help my emotional, mental and physical well-being.

This declaration of Year of Dawn does not mean I will be neglecting my husband or children. Quite the contrary. I will be taking care of Dawn, so that I am better able to meet the needs of my family to the fullest extent. I look forward to sharing this journey with you. This will be an AWESOME year.

1 comment:

  1. I also had a real hard time with 35. Old eggs. Advanced maternal age. I ended up very depressed. No one seemed to understand why I was so upset. I understand. You can lean on me.
